"Biodynamics can be summed up as: Putting one's energy into supporting the good, rather than fighting the bad." ~Wolf D. Storl,
Culture and Horticulture: a Philosophy of Gardening
Zephyr Summer Squash |
The Zephyr summer squashes (see above) went into the ground two weeks late and were leggy, brittle plants. They got blasted by a heat wave then waves of rain. To my great surprise and delight, they grew strong and came timely in the decline of the Patty Pan squashes.
Digging Potatoes |
Monday's routine has included the digging of a row of potatoes for the week's share (see above). The crew and work-shares have become quite keen on how to harvest the hidden treasures. The red potatoes were initially another variety that were meant to be only small, golf-ball size. I had forgotten that the varieties were substituted, so now I smile from ear to ear to see a larger baking-size potato from the reds (see below).
Brendan with the Red Maria Potatoes |
The asparagus patch is a long-term vision, as it will be another two seasons before a real harvest, but the vigor and health of the plants is excellent, as seen in the photo below of Josh next to the plants at the height of their frond season.
Josh & the asparagus fronds |
The hoop houses were in dire need of some rest and relaxation.The first hoop house you see on your left when you come into the farm was sown in nitrogen-fixing cover crops this spring. It has now been straw mulched to maintain a good thick environment for healing and to allow plant materials to decay, thus enriching the topsoil for a great spring early crop to grow inside this great, season-extending invention.
Josh & Molly Spreading Straw in the Hoophouse |
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