Thursday, February 7, 2013

Winter Market, February 9th, by Melinda

Wintering Out, by Anthony Forster
Hooray, another Winter Market!  This one's on Saturday, February 9th, in the hoophouse, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.  We're featuring kale, arugula, spinach, Komatsuna (*so* sweet, noticeably so, as Devorah noted in her most recent post about winter farming), Tokyo Bekana, Yukina Savoy, celeriac, braising mix, cilantro, and rosemary.  Who'da thunk, in the middle of winter??!!!--all this goodness!  For a nice article about winter growing (with some recipes) that I found on Eliot Coleman and Barbara Damrosch's website, click on this sentence (the article is a PDF). And here's a little factoid from that article that you can drop into your next cocktail-party conversation:  coastal Maine, where Coleman and Damrosch farm, is on the same latitude as Saint-Tropez on the Riviera!  The significance of that, as Damrosch notes, is that southern Maine has the same winter day-lengths as Saint-Tropez, and day-length is as important a factor in successful winter farming as temperature!

1 comment:

  1. How fascinating about Maine and Saint-Tropez. Next time I'm at a cocktail party....
